Inspired by this post on The Simple Dollar:
I've converted a ripped single bedsheet into an impressive array of covers and rags, by cutting to size and overcasting the edges with the sewing machine. A few big ones which are used for mopping up kitchen floods or for sitting on whilst cleaning the low kitchen cupboards; and then a good-sized pile of smaller ones that are now our kitchen supply of "paper towels". They sit in a decorative bowl in the kitchen, get dampened and used to clean up the kitchen bench, stove and floor, and then sit in a little pile on the edge of the sink until they get thrown in with the laundry. The amount of effort it takes to deal with them is not even noticeable.
I bet my grandparents could have told me this idea would work!
Since one of my resolutions is to switch all of my battery-operated appliances over to rechargeables as their alkaline batteries wear out, I bought my first batch of eneloop batteries today. Aside from the positive reviews these batteries are getting, my main reason for starting a collection was because I would love to take advantage of the solar charger that has been released in Japan. Solar powering instead of mains power, and much less battery waste, makes for much more environmentally-friendly small appliance usage.