Turns out that in this moderate weather at least, it is possible to grow a garden in pots on a small balcony. I'm watering it only with water saved with a bucket in the shower while the water is heating, and saving more than I can use at the moment! So hopefully I won't have to go shopping for lettuce, tomatoes, capsicum or various herbs anymore; and that if they all work out, I'll add more plants to the collection. (By the way, the pots I'm using are either old ones that are in re-use despite looking worse for wear, or new pots that are recyclable.)
Since one of my resolutions is to switch all of my battery-operated appliances over to rechargeables as their alkaline batteries wear out, I bought my first batch of eneloop batteries today. Aside from the positive reviews these batteries are getting, my main reason for starting a collection was because I would love to take advantage of the solar charger that has been released in Japan. Solar powering instead of mains power, and much less battery waste, makes for much more environmentally-friendly small appliance usage.